About BMX

If you are new to the sport of BMX racing you may find this information interesting.

BMX is Bicycle Motocross. It was started in California in the early 1970's by some kids who wanted to emulate motorcycle motocross racing. There are now hundreds of tracks across the country and around the world, and thousands of racers. BMX race tracks are usually around 1000 feet long and consist of banked turns (berms) and jumps. Most of the track is dirt but berms on some of the tracks are paved. When the gate drops on the starting hill, the racers are off and riding hard. Up to six racers compete in three motos, sometimes followed by a single main award event.

CNY BMX is a NBL sanctioned track. That means that the track is approved by the National Bicycle League, of which CNY is a member track. The NBL sets up the rules of racing and conduct on the track. In fact, in 2000 the CNY track opened in the month of June with a rider count of about 100 for the very first race. Anyone who races on a NBL track must be a member (or trial member) of the NBL. This binds the racer to the safety and conduct standards of the NBL and also provides the rider with free insurance coverage while racing. Most of all though, BMX is fun! Every racer competes against other racers of their own age and proficiency. Ages run from the 5 and under class to the 55 and older class! Except for the 5 and under class and classes 17 and older, you change your class to the next age group on your birthday (so 6-year olds race 6-year-olds, etc.). Generally, boys race boys and girls race girls, but sometimes they are combined. There are three proficiency levels: Rookie (beginner), Novice and Expert. As the NBL says, "NO ONE SITS ON THE BENCH IN BMX" Racing at Central New York is easy. Check our schedule and come see our track. You'll need some equipment to race: A 20" bike, a helmet, long sleeves and long pants. We would love to see you at the track, so get on over to the track!



The National Bicycle League offers a great starter program for all new riders. A 30 day (trial period) at a mere cost of $30.00 will allow new riders to practice, race and receive points. After 30 days, they must become full NBL members to be permitted to continue to race or practice. After paying an additional $15.00 (for a total of $45.00), the membership will be valid for 1 year from the date of the Trial membership application. A full membership entitles a rider to race at any NBL sanctioned track plus the following:

1. $3,000 secondary medial coverage with a $1000.00 deductible.
2. 1 year subscription to "BMX TODAY" (NBL's monthly newspaper).
3. Your own NBL membership card.
4. Year-end awards program.
5. Standardized rules of competition.

* Most importantly you and your family become members of CNY-BMX.
* When paying the conversion fee of $15.00 you must bring a copy of your Birth Certificate. Make sure it's a copy because it will not be returned to you.
* A full member will receive points and may race at any local, state and national event.



Boys and girls race together in all Rookie classes. Two Rookies of the same age make a class. If you are the only Rookie in your age group you will be moved up to the next available class. Example: A 10 year old will first move to the 11 Rookie class, Rookies run only other Rookies. After receiving 8 move-up awards within a single point year, a Rookie will move up to the Novice or Girls class.
A Rookie may also choose to advance to the Novice or Girls class prior to earning his or her 8 move-ups. It takes two girls of the same age to make a class. If there are not enough girls to make a class they will be combined with other girls. Example: 10 year old girls to 12 year old girls and so on until a class of two riders has been formed. Girls have the option to be combined with the boys.



We will do our best to get all Rookie riders help from our older riders. If you are having trouble getting around the track, don't be afraid to ask for help. Most of the older riders had trouble when they started.


1. Bicycle - 20" or Cruiser 24"
2. Wheels of different size cannot be used on same bike.
3. A girls or boys bicycle may be used.
4. Motocross handlebars not to exceed 28 1/2" including grips.
5. Handlebars must have grips in good repair. Ends must be covered.
6. Pads must be on cross bars, frame bar and gooseneck.
7. Frame and handlebars must be firm, not cracked, loose or damaged.
8. Seats must be firmly attached.
9. Spokes must be tight and none should be missing.
10. Tires must be in good repair, no cord showing.
11. Kick stands, reflectors and chain guards, front brakes must be removed. (no training wheels).
12. Bikes must have an operable braking device.
13. Helmets must have permanent chin strap, either full face or with mouth guard (jaffa).
14. Shirts must be long sleeved, 3/4 sleeved shirts require elbow pads.
15. Pants should be of heavy material. No short pants may be worn. Shin pads may be worn with long pants only.
16. Gloves are strongly recommended.



REGISTRATION: You need to go to the registration building.  If this is your first time you will need to sign up.  If you are already an NBL member you must register for the race or practice and have your NBL card with you.

After you have registered you may now practice on the track. There will be a person by the entrance who will inspect your bike. All bikes must pass a safety inspection before they are allowed on the track.

ALL NEW RIDERS MEETING: Shortly before the race is scheduled to start, a riders meeting will be announced. All new riders are required to attend. A track official will explain the basic rules of racing and answer any questions you might have. Parents of young children and any other interested adults are invited to attend.

MOTO BOARDS, MOTO SHEETS AND MOTOS: The Motos are your races. They will be run three times. The Moto boards are where they post the moto sheets. The moto sheets are printed forms will all the information about your class. Your race number and gate position. If you can't find your name or your bike number is wrong, don't panic, we'll get you straightened out in no time.



 Sanctioning bodies give BMX racing its organization. They set the rules, provide insurance, issue competition licenses, and keep record of points to determine state and national rankings. The National Bicycle League is proud to offer a comprehensive BMX program that recognizes the value of local competition. At every level of our programs focus on the individual rider, providing a chance for growth and development while having fun.


Each state holds a special series of qualifying races throughout the year. Each member track will have at least one qualifier. One track will be selected to host the State Championship in the fall. After you have become a fairly good local rider you might want to try some of these races. You will normally compete against the best riders in that state. You will also get a chance to ride different types of tracks. If you are good enough to finish in the top ten in your class, you will be eligible to represent that state at the President's Cup. These State Series are normally a good stepping stone up the ladder to the National and World Class BMX racing. You can get more information for most of these state series at our track, in BMX Today or from the Empire BMX Association.

This information is as of June1,2008. For most up to date informations see the website.