The BMX Track is built on land owned by Town of Bridgewater, and run by a non-profit
self-supporting organization. All money collected through registration, concession, raffles, etc. is used to keep the track
operational and safe. The track is operated by The Central New York BMX Association, Inc. All parents and riders over 18 are
considered members of the association and are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings held on the second Wednesday of every
month unless otherwise specified. We discuss scheduling of events, track maintenance, repairs and generally the direction
the track is going in. These meetings are open to all parents and riders. Your
input is necessary for the growth of our organization.
We need all the help we can get. We
will never turn down volunteers. The NBL licensed officials at our track have years of national, state and local experience.
These officials give training seminars to new people. Part of this training is putting a new volunteer with a trained official
during a race to get some experience.
CNY BMX is sanctioned by the National Bicycle League. Sanctioning
bodies give BMX racing its organization. They set the rules, provide insurance, issue competition licenses, and keep record
of points to determine state and national rankings. The National Bicycle League is proud to offer a comprehensive BMX program
that recognizes the value of local competition. At every level of our programs focus on the individual rider, providing a
chance for growth and development while having fun.
CNY is a member
of the Empire State Racing Program. The state holds a special series of qualifying races throughout the year. Each
member track will have at least one qualifier. One track will be selected to host the State Championship in the fall. CNY
will host in 2004. After you have become a fairly good local rider you might want to try some of these races. You will
normally compete against the best riders in that state. You will also get a chance to ride different types of tracks. If you
are good enough to finish in the top ten in your class, you will be eligible to represent that state at the President's Cup.
These State Series are normally a good stepping stone up the ladder to the National and World Class BMX racing. You can get
more information for most of these state series at our track, in BMX Today or from the Empire BMX Association.