The 2008 Season Awards Banquet was held and a very big thank you goes out to Gene
and Jane Boice and their family for the most perfect and delicious food they made for the banquet. CNY BMX certainly wishes
them a very happy retirement and their years of dedication at the track are greatly appreciated. We will surely miss
them !
Kevin Crawford, track director, received a plaque in recognition of over a decade of dedication and devotion given unselfishly
to CNY BMX along with a photo album of memories made by his family. Kevin is stepping down for a much needed rest. Please
all let him know what a wonderful track and opportunity he has given to many people over the last 10 years. Congratulations
Kevin and Thank you !
Kevin gave a great reconigition to Russell Miller for all that he does for CNY. He deserves a big Thank
You. Unfortunatley Russ was not able to make it to the banquet.