There was a good turnout for the banquet. |

CNY BMX blankets were given to volunteers to thank them for thier work at the track.
John Lewis thanked for his work as EMT. |

Joanne Denton is thanked for her work as clerk. |

Greg Nelson being thanked for his help. |

All riders at the Banquet were given CNY t-shirts and beanies.
Marge Wilcox shows off the CNY BMX T-shirt given |

to all riders at the banquet. |
2003 Season Expert Champions |

Kevin did a great job as emcee. |

Plaques were given to award some special people. Russ Miller for his years of dedicated work at the track. Jennifer Miller
and Marlena Tripoli for their years of work at the concession stand. Michael Rose and Ricky Warren for perfect attendance.
Russ Miller is awarded a plaque for his hard work. |

Trophies were given to the top 10 Rookie, Novice and Expert riders. Top 5 Girls and Cruiser riders were awarded
2003 Season Rookie Champions |

2003 Season Novice Champions |

2003 Season Girls Champions |

2003 Season Cruiser Champions |

Many track supporters donated items to be raffled at the banquet including Big Al's Bike Shop and 3D racing.
Winner of the bike donated by Sonnes' Bike Shop. |
